Review: Fallout new Vegas

Well, I got Fallout: New Vegas as soon as it became available. That was about 1am, on Friday the 22nd. I’ve just finished it, with approximately 34 hours of play time. Independent New Vegas! And that’s only one of the end branches. There are 3 others 😀

It’s not even like they’re minor branches at the end. To go back and do them, I’m expecting to have to go back to a save I made about 15 hours in. Even that might not be far enough back. Either way, we’re talking a lot of play time available 😀 As you might guess, I’m pretty happy about that. I hit level 30 (highest level) a short time before I went to finish it. And there are at least another 40 places I’ve not been to yet. There’s plenty of scope in the game.

It is a trifle buggy, I’ll admit. I’ve crashed out of it a good dozen times. But thankfully it’s not a halting bug. I can start it back up again, and pull up my last save without any trouble. Unlike that dam Civ V bug I ran into (I have a saved game that crashs in 1904. every damn time)

Something I really liked in it, was all the little references back to the original 2 games. Like the death claw egg omelet, Modoc, and so on. It just really tied the games together in a way that Fallout 3 didn’t manage. They’ve gone for a grey and greyer set of choices, too. It’s always nice to see that. Pick the best of bad options, rather than ‘good’ and ‘bad’. And best is entirely subjective. There are no whitehats, in New Vegas.

If you like the fallout series, get it. It’s really worth your time. If you like the first two, but thought 3 didn’t have the right feel, try it; it’s a lot closer in feel to the originals. except it’s not turn based isometric, of course. If you can’t stand 3, because it’s in 1st/3rd person, stay clear. But that should  be obvious, really.

Favorite gun: Upgraded sniper rifle.
Favorite Companion: Boone. Another sniper rifle is always fun.
Second Favorite Companion: Veronica. Get her some formal wear. She’ll love you for it.

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